A message from the Executive Director...
I have the privilege to report to you that the Cambodian Association of America is the oldest and largest Cambodian Nonprofit Association in the United States. We currently employ 40 staff members and have successfully implemented 24 of our programs. We have been commended for our excellent quality and quantity of services, particularly in: Healthy Marriage Skills Training, Family Preservation, Refugee Family Enrichment, Family Literacy, Substance Abuse Outpatient Counseling, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention, Diabetes Health Outreach Education, Tobacco Related Diseases Research, Voter Empowerment and Civic Participation Outreach, Senior Citizen Services, Youth Development, Khmer Language Classes, and the Spirit of Khmer Angkor Art and Culture Preservation programs.
Approximately 6,000 people (including youth, adults, and seniors) receive direct services from our social, health, education, and counseling programs and another 15,000 benefit from our outreach services annually. The breakdown percentage of our clientele is approximately: 60% Cambodians, 10% other Asian including Laotian, Vietnamese and Samoan, 15% Hispanics, 5% African American, and 10% Causasian.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our Board of Directors, staff, volunteers, community members, agency partners, and grantors for their dedication and support, without which this organization could not flourish. CAA looks forward to continuing our work to improve the quality of life for members of our community, and we thank you for your enduring support in this effort.
Kimthai Kuoch, MPA