Community Resources




The Family Literacy Program

Field PictureCambodians in Long Beach have the lowest high school or college graduation rate of any ethnic group in L.A. County.  In order to improve the school performance of Cambodian children in Long Beach, CAA began implementing the Cambodian Family Literacy Program in May 2001.  

This program is designed to address the poor school performance of Cambodian children by promoting an environment where they can reach their full potential as learners. This program integrates four key instructional components: early childhood education, parent education, adult education (ESL or GED preparation) and parent and child interactive literacy activities.  These components work together to promote a unified focus on family literacy.  Any Cambodian family with a child under age 7 is welcome to enroll. Families attend school at Whittier Elementary Schools five days each week from 8:00am to 11:30am.  Parents attend ESL and parenting classes while their children receive quality early childhood education. On Fridays, parents join their children to participate in interactive literacy activities, where they learn to be their child’s first teacher.

The Cambodian Family Literacy Program is funded by the California Department of Education, Even Start Office.

For more information, contact Kirsten Trefflich at (562) 988-1863 x236

Kirsten Trefflich, Program Director
Sovanna Neth, Parenting Teacher
Jill Rolston-Yates, ESL Teacher
Phancy Peang, Infant/Toddler Teacher
Tina Khun, Instructional Aide


You can download the following flyer for more information:

Flyer - Khmer Version / Flyer - English Version

Field Picture